Space For Rent

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Long time no post!

Well, we're back again!
Space for rent has been quite busy since we last posted. Last Christmas we played two gigs, the first of which was at church for a womens' night. We also performed at the St Luke's Hospital Hand Unit Christmas party.
On Tuesday March 13th, we did a very swish gig; for the Hand Therapists' dinner at the international hand surgery conference. It was held at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron; and muchly enjoyed, according to various gossip trickling back to us!
Just last saturday (2nd of June) we played at Michelle's 21st party, which also went off pretty well. We played for quite a while (almost two hours including a bit of a break in the middle), and it was a bit chilly, but i think everyone enjoyed themselves! There was certainly good feedback from the partygoers i chatted to.

As for what will happen next, there's nothing coming up on the horizon but many many people have said "you guys were great and i'll keep you in mind for the future!"
So i guess... Watch this space :)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

'Studio Artes' @ Hornsby Tafe

To cut a long story short, Claire's maths teacher asked her to get some people together to play at an art exhibition at Hornsby TAFE. Now, Claire happened to have a totally rad band up her sleeve.

So we lugged our car-full of gear up to hornsby for a fun night. I got a new amp, so that added significantly to the weight! I'd say we had 70kg of stuff, what with 2 amps, bass, guitar, sax, music stand, a table to put our cards on, and assorted music books.

Yet again, we ended up in a big room with a wooden floor and a high ceiling, and an echo of which the blue mountains would be proud. But once it filled with nice happy spongey sound-absorbing people, the acoustics were great. We played from 6 til 7:30, then 8:10 til just before 9. We seem to have accumulated a bit more material since our last gig, so we almost didn't have to repeat anything!

I wish I took a camera. There was a girl about 10m in front of us when we were playing Chameleon, who started dancing with her friend.. What a party! And I noticed another girl [who i actually know] dancing with her boyfriend during one of our more romantic songs. I figured we must be alright if we made people dance! Alas, we have no photos. But here are some more from the Galerie D'art:

Friday, July 07, 2006

More Gigs!

Well, our first REAL gig went very well. We played at the Galerie D'art in Woolloomooloo. There was an art exhibiton as part of the 'musicfest de sydney'. It's a big music festival, originating in france, to celebrate the summer solstice. And here it's obviously on the shortest, darkest, most bleak day of the year :p
Here's the website:

And here's a pic of us in action:
Anyway. It was good, we managed to play for the required length of time, and the sound was ok. Although I was a little worried at first, given that the floors were tiled and there was a high roof, nice and echo-ey.

Our next gig is tomorrow. Yet again, unpaid. But oh well, it's good publicity! Hornsby TAFE at 6:30-9pm. There's an art exhibition of some description. So yeah that should be alright. I'll put some pics up if we get any. I'm not sure whether our photographer will be there!

Friday, June 30, 2006

First Photo

Hullo all! Here is a photo of our very first gig. Looking very professsional :p
More photos will come soon. Be sure to check out our myspace as well, to which i'll attempt to make a link...
Dave H

Sunday, June 18, 2006

AnCon Band!

Woo, i'm playing bass at the EU's annual conference [AnCon].
Much work and practising is to be done before then.
Perhaps after exams :p

Although our next gig is this wednesday, which is smack bang in the middle of my exams. Eek!

Friday, June 16, 2006

First Post

Well here we go.
The first post.
This is kind of a test, so more will come soon.